Of the numerous challenges we face today, climate change is getting increasingly urgent.
So, every part of our value chain is committed to transforming energy responsibly,
thereby creating a better future for everyone.
Cairn is the largest private oil and gas exploration and production Company in India, currently producing from assets in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat. As an industry leader, we base our exploration strategy on a portfolio of high reward prospects across the risk spectrum.
DiscoverAt Vedanta, our core values underpin everything we do, guiding our behaviour, as we expand into new markets and countries.
We actively foster a culture of mutual trust in our interactions with our stakeholders and encourage an open dialogue which ensures mutual respect.
We embrace a conducive environment for encouraging innovation that leads to a zero-harm environment and exemplifies optimal utilisation of natural resources, improved efficiencies and recoveries of by-products.
We lay consistent emphasis on human rights, respect the principle of free, prior and informed consent while our engagements with stakeholders give local communities the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns.
Our people are our most important assets. We actively encourage their development and support them in pursuing their goals.
As we continue to grow, we are committed to the triple bottom line of ‘People, Planet and Prosperity’ to create a sustainable future in a zero-harm environment for our communities
Our primary focus is to deliver the highest standards of excellence to our stakeholders. We are constantly motivated on improving our costs and our quality of production in each of our businesses by inculcating best practices of benchmarking.
We place utmost importance on engaging ethically and transparently with all our stakeholders, taking accountability of our actions to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and complying with international policies and procedures.
At Vedanta, we have embraced and pursued sustainable practices that are aligned with India’s Net-Zero ambitions.
Anil Agarwal
Chairman, Vedanta
Our commitment to achieving Net-Zero Carbon by 2050 is showcased by our well-defined ESG programme across our Group and in the oil and gas business under our pillar of ‘Transforming the Planet’.
Sunil Duggal
Group CEO, Vedanta Ltd
of CO2e/annum
Reduced in GHG emissions in FY 2021-22
Potential Gas flaring intensity* in last two years
*Flaring intensity is defined as tonnes of gas flared per thousand tonnes of HC produced
Water conserved in last three years
Of waste is diverted for gainful utilisation*
*Beneficial utilisation either through co-processing for AFR (alternate fuel or raw material) or reprocessing or reuse/recycling
Produced water recycled through re-injection
Of water requirement is met through saline water
Entire operational water requirements at RJ and Ravva assets met through saline aquifers only (No impact on fresh water sources)
CSR spend
Lives touched across 569 villages through our community initiatives
Impacted through Nand-Ghars since inception from October, 2020
Gender diversity*
*Full-time employees
Women in managerial positions*
*Full-time employees
Women in senior leadership positions
*Full-time employees
LTIFR* in last two years
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate*
TRIFR* in last two years
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate* (TRIFR)
Net revenue
Contribution to the state and national exchequer
By effectively strengthening our ESG focus, we are transforming our way of doing business and embracing strategies and targets that align with Vedanta’s vision of ‘Transforming for Good’.
Environmental stewardship is inherent to our operational philosophy and ESG purpose. We are continuously striving towards innovating and reimagining a planet that is healthier and ecologically sustainable.
DiscoverAchieving net zero carbon by 2050
Sustaining net-water positive impact
Planting 2 million
trees by 2030
Protecting and enhancing biodiversity throughout the project lifecycle
Our two-pronged social responsibility programmes involving partnerships with the government and the communities are impactfully aligned with today’s social-economic and environmental needs.
DiscoverAgricultural and animal husbandry
IEC and microlevel interventions
Children’s well-being and education
Drinking water
Sports and culture
Community infrastructure development
Positively impacting
1 million people by 2030 through sustainable livelihood opportunities
Educating ~9 million students by 2030 through digital programmes
Uplifting 20 million women and children by investing in education, nutrition, healthcare, and welfare
As a socially responsible organisation, we believe in creating a workplace that fosters inclusivity and innovation. We constantly provide our people with the resources that help them achieve their full potential.
DiscoverPrioritising the safety and health of all employees
Promoting gender parity, diversity, and inclusivity
Adhering to global business standards of corporate governance
We have established a robust sustainability-governance process and broadened the scope of the former Vedanta Limited Board Sustainability Committee by adopting a new ESG governance structure. The ESG Committee, along with our Group Sustainability and ESG function, are responsible for starting, mainstreaming, and monitoring initiatives under the ‘Transforming for Good’ agenda. We have put together ESG-focused groups at each BU and SBU to own projects and ensure timely implementation.
With the view to staying ahead of the curve, and mitigating any potential ESG risks, we have conducted a detailed assessment of material issues through an independent agency by engaging a wide spectrum of internal and external stakeholders. In 2022, we have conducted an extensive materiality analysis. We have engaged with relevant stakeholders and collected their responses to identify ESG-related issues pertaining to our organisation.
DiscoverIn line with Vedanta’s sustainability policies, we have a ‘Supplier and Business Partner Sustainability Management Policy’ that guides our interactions with our vendors and suppliers. All vendors are required to follow this code of conduct which helps us implement human rights practices across the supply chain.
DiscoverWe have introduced digital transformation across our entire value chain at various levels, from exploration and production to distribution. We started our digital journey in 2018 to adopt and democratise technology across our value chain to achieve production efficiency, cost reduction, and a significant ESG impact.
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