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Pioneers in Technology

Pioneers in Technology

We are at the forefront of adopting advanced technological solutions to accelerate our vision of contributing 50% to India’s domestic crude production and developing new hydrocarbon resources. The cutting-edge technologies we deploy play a crucial role in identifying new oil and gas reserves whilst enhancing resource recovery from existing fields, maximising output, and ensuring operational excellence.

The company has successfully executed several global firsts

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First Indian company to apply Micro Seismic Hydrofrac Monitoring Technology.

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Executed the world’s largest jet-pump operation in the oil and gas industry.

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World’s largest Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) polymer flood project undertaken.

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India’s largest Alkaline Surfactant Polymer (ASP) flooding project completed.

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World’s longest continuously heated and insulated pipeline successfully built.

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Longest horizontal well in India drilled and completed with precision.

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First 4D seismic in India conducted for advanced oil exploration.

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First-of-its-kind petro-technical cloud project implemented successfully.

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World’s largest jet-pumping network established and operated efficiently.

Our Technologies

3D Seismic

3D seismic is a powerful method of geophysics used for hydrocarbon exploration and field development. It provides detailed insights into subsurface structures, fault geometries, and potential hydrocarbon prospects.

Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing, or Fracking, is the process of creating a conducive path for hydrocarbons to flow from the reservoir to the wellbore in low-permeability reservoirs through the high-pressure injection of fracking fluid, primarily water containing sand or other proppants.

Over the past decade, we have extensively deployed hydraulic fracturing to appraise and develop tight oil and gas fields, pushing the boundaries of efficiency and innovation. We have also been at the forefront of successfully applying fracking in volcanic gas reservoir systems, executing one of the largest commercial developments of tight volcanic reservoirs globally.

Enhanced Oil Recovery (Polymer Flooding)

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) through Polymer Flooding is an advanced technology deployed to boost oil recovery, especially in mature and declining oil reservoirs containing highly viscous crude. The addition of polymers to the water enhances oil displacement and significantly improves the recovery factor.

EOR increases the amount of crude oil that can be extracted from a field, going beyond conventional primary depletion or basic water flooding, which typically recovers only 20 to 40% of the Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place (STOIIP).


Artificial Lift

Artificial Lift provides the necessary energy to bring fluids to the surface, significantly enhancing well productivity. Globally, over 90% of oil and gas wells utilise artificial lift techniques.

At Cairn, more than 95% of hydrocarbons are produced using customised artificial lift technologies. We are at the forefront of deploying a wide range of state-of-the-art artificial lift techniques to optimise and extend production across its fields.

Skin Effect Heat Management System

Skin Effect Heat Management System (SEHMS) technology is a proven electrical heating solution used for long-distance piping and pipelines. SEHMS generates heat on the inner surface of a carbon steel heat tube welded to the carrier pipe.

An electrically insulated, temperature-resistant conductor is installed within the tube and connected at the circuit end. The tube and conductor are powered by an AC voltage source in a series connection. This heating method is called skin-effect heating, as the circuit current is pulled to the inner surface (~1 mm) of the heat tube due to the skin effect and proximity effect between the heat tube and conductor.

To support crude oil transportation from Rajasthan to Gujarat, we constructed the Mangala Development Pipeline (MDP) – the world’s longest continuously heated and insulated pipeline (~705 km).

Enhanced Oil Recovery (ASP Flooding)

Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) flooding is an advanced Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technique, where alkali, surfactant, and polymer are injected into the reservoir to displace crude oil.

Following the successful ASP pilot in the Mangala field, we have expanded ASP implementation in Mangala well pads 1 and 19, targeting an estimated 20% additional oil recovery in the area. The commercial deployment of ASP flooding marks a major milestone, paving the way for its expansion across additional areas of Mangala and other fields within the Rajasthan block.

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