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Supplier Toolkit

Supplier Toolkit

Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance (SLP)

We are optimising procurement processes and Supplier Lifecycle Management with a dedicated tool for collaborative management with our Business Partners.

As the main tool for exchange between Vendor Management team and suppliers, the portal allows new suppliers to register with us, track the registration process and respond online to requests raised. Get ready to experience a friendly Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance solution to enable easy assessment, quicker monitoring, improved performance visibility, and a stronger supplier engagement solution for innovation, flexibility, and proactive compliance.

Get ready to experience a user-friendly Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance solution. It enables easy assessment, quicker monitoring, and improved performance visibility. This strengthens supplier engagement, fostering innovation, flexibility, and proactive compliance.

Click here to a fill the Supplier Registration Request Form (Form A).

Guidelines on Filling “Form A” (Supplier Registration Request Form for Ariba Registration)

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Guidelines on Registration with SAP Business Network for Ariba Sign Up/Login

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Guidelines on Filling “Form B” (Supplier Registration Form for SAP Registration)

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Guidelines on connecting with Ariba Customer Support for Technical Queries

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Ariba Helpdesk Email:

Ariba Helpdesk Contact: +91-124-677-3680 / +91-931-9988-049

Helpdesk Timings: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (IST) Monday to Friday

Smart Source is a web based sourcing solution aimed at automating the tendering process at Cairn. It will allow you to respond to Expression of Interest (EoI) and Invitation to Tender (ITT) online. Smart Source will provide you:     

  • Greater flexibility in bid responses from anywhere up to the bid closure time
  • A guided approach to responding to ITTs, ensuring completeness of response
  • Message boards to send and receive messages related to specific EoIs and ITTs

The system is geared to improve our transaction efficiency during the tendering process and ensure

  • Reduced timelines for award
  • Paperless transactions

If you are a registered vendor with Cairn, you will be provided with a User Id to access Smart Source. Once you receive your User Id, you are requested to reset your password and complete your online profile.

As part of our endeavor for continuous improvement and providing better business experience for our suppliers, we will be launching other initiatives to facilitate better information for our suppliers. Please watch out this space to know more about these initiatives…

Training Video and Manual

The manual contains detailed information and procedures for Supplier activities on the Smart source portal, such as:

  • Submitting response to Expressions of Interest (EoI)
  • Submitting response to Request for Information (RFI)
  • Submitting response to Invitation to Tender (ITT)
  • Submitting response to Request for Proposal (RFP)


Please refer to the document below for some common queries around using Smart Source

Download PDF

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First Time Ariba Signup & Profile Settings

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User Name & PW Resetting/Browser Error Fix Ariba

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We use Ariba Commerce Automation (Post-PO Collaboration & e-Invoicing) to automate, simplify, and accelerate our post-procurement and payment processes for goods and services. It also helps us build collaborative supplier relationships and ensures closer integration with our suppliers.

Ariba CA will enable with the following functionalities:

  • Online exchange of documents like purchase order, shipping notification, goods receipt and service confirmation thereby ensuring better visibility of the process
  • Suppliers to submit key documents (associated with delivery / service execution) online
  • Real time online status updates of suppliers’ delivery status and invoices, eliminating the need of multiple follow-ups
  • Real time status update on invoices

Quick Learn

Please refer to the following videos for quick guidance on the actions required by suppliers to interact through the Ariba CA Dashboard.

1 Post Po

Standard Account Supplier Training

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Registration and Login

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Account Configuration

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Material Order Processing

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Service Order Processing

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2 e-Invoicing

E - Live Invoicing Process

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E - Invoicing User Manual - Ariba CA

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E - Invoicing FAQs.

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  • e-Live Invoicing Process
  • e-Invoicing User Manual – Ariba CA
  • e-Invoicing FAQs

ARIBA Helpdesk

Helpdesk Contact: 0124-459-3323 / 920-5020-883 / 844-8855-034

Attached are the documents covering key provisions related to Direct and Indirect taxes and Withholding taxes applicable in India for general understanding of Indian & Foreign bidders.

These documents provide a summary and a quick snapshot of the applicable provisions but do not serve as a comprehensive list of all applicable taxes. While care has been taken in compiling this information, bidders are advised not to rely solely on these documents and to verify the details from their own sources.
We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided.

Our AP helpdesk operates Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM IST and is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. Vendors can contact the AP helpdesk via email at

Vendors should submit their digitally signed invoices via email to

You can directly raise request for Registration/ Bank amendment through the following link aFor assistance, contact the helpdesk at +91 124 6773680 or Our vendor registration team manages vendor updates and will guide you through the required steps and documentation.

There is no need to send hard copies of invoices to the Accenture office. Only digitally signed invoices are accepted.

This process is automated in our ERP system. If you are not receiving notifications, your registered email ID may need to be updated. Please contact the vendor registration team (as mentioned in Question 3) to verify and update your email records.

Your invoice may be rejected for the following reasons: Incorrect Company Name- The invoice must be addressed to Cairn Oil and Gas (Vedanta Limited). Any other name will result in rejection, and the invoice must be resent with the correct company name. Not a Digitally Signed Invoice - Only digitally signed PDF invoices are accepted. Missing PO/SO/CO & SES/GRN Number - Ensure these references are clearly mentioned on the invoice. Incorrect Amount Calculation - Verify and provide the correct amount. Incorrect GST Details - Ensure Vedanta’s GST details match the correct business location and that your GST details are accurate.

You can contact our helpdesk at The Cairn Helpdesk team will coordinate with the tax team to provide the necessary documents.

We aim to process all payments as per the contracted terms. To facilitate on-time payments, please ensure the following: Clearly mention the legitimate PO/SO/Call Out number on invoices. For services, ensure timesheets are approved and SES is created on time. Payment terms are activated in our system from either the invoice scanning date in our ERP or the GRN creation date for material supply, whichever is earlier.